Activities & Programs

Research & Publication

Academic  Publication Assistance Group (APAG)


The University of Finance and Economics (UFE) has long been dedicated to providing its students with a world-class education that prepares them for successful careers in a global economy. As part of this commitment, the Academic Publication Assistance Group (APAG) aims at supporting its graduate students in publishing academic papers in international journals. To facilitate the publication of academic papers by its graduate students, The APAG has developed a range of resources and support services. These include access to academic databases, guidance on selecting research topics and designs, and assistance with the submission and review process. The APAG also offers workshops and seminars on data analytics, academic writing, and publishing, providing students with the skills and knowledge they need to produce high-quality research papers that meet the standards of international journals. Through the dissemination of high-quality research, the APAG is making a valuable contribution to the academic community and helping to advance knowledge and understanding in a range of disciplines.

 Who is eligible for the Program

Who wants to publish papers to internationally recognized journals 


The APAG offers an array of academic instructions, services, and opportunities to three successful applicants. It provides the following opportunities to the selected participants:

 They can refine their research skills by engaging in activities such as developing research topics, research design, data collection, data analysis, and academic writing.

  1. The participants can free access electronic articles from various academic databases.
  2. The APAG provides financial assistance by waiving English editing and journal publication fees.
  3. The participants have the opportunity to publish their research papers in international journals, thereby contributing to the dissemination of academic knowledge.  

Who runs the APAG 

Dr. Young-Rae Kim (in Economy Geography), a professor and director of Center for Korea and Mongolia Development, is in charge of the program in cooperation with following committee (but not limited to)

Dr. Chansoo Park (in International Business), an associate professor at the Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. 

Dr. Jungwook Kim (in Finance), a professor at Mongolian International University

Dr. Chang Huh (in Tourism and Hospitality) is a professor in the College of Hospitality, Sport, and Tourism Mange at Niagara University, U.S.A.

How to Apply for the Program 

The mandatory documents are:  

  1. An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with no page limit.
  2. A statement that is no less than one page in length and encompasses three elements: a) purpose and justification of your research with potential research topics, b) nature of data and source of data, 3) expected contribution.
  3. The one-page statement must adhere to the following criteria: it should be typed in either English or Korean, have a 12-point font size, utilize the Time New Roman font, and have one-inch margins on all sides.

 When: twice in a year by May and Janurary 

To Whom:  submit the requisite documents to Dr. Young-Rae Kim at


Kindly be informed that individuals who have academic advisors within their respective disciplines should first consult with their advisors to ascertain if they are eligible to participate in the program. If both the individual and their advisor desire to participate, we will gladly allow them to enroll in the program jointly. Moreover, the APAG committee has limited expertise and time to assist students on various topics. As a result, we select approximately three applicants that we believe we can competently handle. Please note that if your application is not chosen, it is not due to its quality but rather our restricted capacity.

For questions, contact Т.САРАНЧИМЭГ, Program Assistant: M.P.: 976-8802-4641 / Email:


Research & Project (학술연구 및 프로젝트)

  1. Working Academic Papers (APAG):


  • G.Dagvasuren (2024). Impact of Climate Shocks on Urban Migration in Mongolia, Business Lecturer, University of Finance Economics ( Principal Advisor: Professor Young-Rae Kim, Professor, University of Finance Economics, Mongolia) 
  • Ganshagai (2024). Banking Switching Behavior in Mongolia,  Business Lecturer, University of Finance Economics (Principal Advisor: Professor Chansoo Park, Associate Professor, Newfundland University, Canada)


  • Jargalsaikhan, Erdenechuluun (2023). Revising Market Efficieny: A Case Study of the Mongolian Stocks Market –
    Top Listed 20 Companies Stocks 
  • Enkhbayar, Tamir (2023). Determinants of Money Laundering Risks in the Mongolia’s Banking Industry 
  • D. Otgonchimeg (2023). The Assessment of the Sustainablity in the Mongolia’s Railways Industry 

2. Research Projects:

  • 유목민을 위한 도시의 계획과 관리: 몽골 사막화 방지 및 지속가능한 삶의 터전에 관한 모형개발, 그리고 실천 과제 (The Spatial Planning and Management for Nomads: For the Development of Model for Anti-Desertification and Sustainable Livelihood, and Practices in Mongolia), Seoul National University ASIA CENTER (Lim, Gill-Chin Global Fellowship), 2023.05-2024.04


Professional Knowledge Sharing & Creation

Conference & Seminar 

  1. Purpose
  • 1) 현재 한몽에서 진행되고 있는 다양한 개발 이슈에 대해서 그 원인과 과정을 심층적으로 토의하고 이해, 2) 가능한 대안을 탐색하고 향후 공동 연구 및 사업발굴을 위한 기초 자료로 활용 3) 정책의사결정자 의사소통채널 구축 ( 1) Өнөөгийн Солонгос-Монголын хоорондын олон талт хөгжлийг хадгалж буй хүчин зүйлс болон түүний учир шалтгаан, үйл явцын талаар гүнзгийрүүлэн авч хэлэлцэх, 2) Боломжит хувилбаруудыг судалж, цаашид хамтарсан судалгаа хийх юм уу бизнес модель болгоход үндсэн өгөгдөл болгон ашиглах), 3) шийдвэр гаргагчдын түвшинд харилцаа холбооны сувгийг бий болгох)

2. Previous Topics:

  • 몽골 울란바타르 게르지구의 형성과 현재적 상태: 변용과 차별의 공간

   Date: 2024. 03.05 (화) / Time: PM 7 (몽골) / 8 (한국) / Place: Google Meet

  발표: 김영래 교수 및 소장 / 몽골 재정경제대학교 한몽개발연구소


   – 임태수 변호사 (몽골) / 몽골 토지사유화법 영향 관련

   – 장경석 박사 국회입법조사처 입법조사관 / 한국 판자촌 정비 경험 관련

  • Sustainable Development in the Mining Sector: A Case of Korean-Mongolian Economic Revitalization in Abandoned Mining Areas
    (광업분야 지속가능한 개발 : 한-몽 폐광지역 경제활성화 사례 중심)

    When: 2023.11.28 (Tus.) / Time: PM 7 (Mongolian Time) / PM 8 (Korean Time) Where: Google Meet

    Presenter:  SunWoo Chung , Director of Mongolia Office, Korea Mine Rehabilitation and Mineral Resources Corporation Mongolia Office (한국광해광업공단 몽골사무소 정선우 소장)


    -김흥식 박사, KDI 정책자문관 (전 경기연구원  문화관광센터 센터장 및 선임연구위원)

  • Local Distinction Crisis and Response: Implication for the Nomadic Local Development in Mongolia 
    (한국의 지역소멸 위기와 계획적 대응: 몽골 유목지역 개발에 대한 시사점)

    Date: 2023.10.31 (화) / Time: PM 8시(Korean Time) / Place: Google Meet (the  link will be shared later)

    Presenter:  Ahn, Sangwook Ph.d (Former Chairman, Suwon City Urban Foundation/전 수원도시재단 이사장)


    – B.Ariunjargalan, Lecturer, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Ph.d. in Urban Planing, University of Seoul)

    – D.Otgonbold, Senior Lecturer, University of Finance and Economics (Ph.d. in Public Administration, Kangwon National University)

  • Middle-Income Trap and Institutional Quallity in Mongolia (몽골의 중간소득국가 함정과 제도의 질)

    Date: Sept. 25, 2023 / Time: PM 7 (Mongolian Time) / PM 8 (Korean Time) /Place: Google Hangout

    Presenter: Young-Rae Kim Ph.d. Director, UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development

  • 몽골 게르지역의 형성, 확산 그리고 대응 (Монголын гэр хорооллын Үүсэх, тархах, хариу үйлдэл)
    Date: June 2, 2023 / Time: 14:00 – 16:00 / Place: UFE C-1008
    – G.Narangerel, Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute for Urban Planning, Ulaanbaatar City
    – Z.Tuya, CEO & Urban Planner. New Urbanism LLC   
  • Climate Change Response and Humanistic Globalization (기후변화 대응과 인간적 세계화)


    Date: June 28, 2023 / Time: 09:30 AM – 11:30 PM / Place: GER Conference Room at the 9th UFE B-Building

    Presenter: Sung-Gil Lee, Director of Korea-Mongolia Greenbelt Project (이성길 단장, 한몽그린벨트사업단)

    Co-Organizer: 평택대학교, 경기도 평택교육지원청, 평택로컬푸드재단, 시민사회재단, 몽골 재정경제대학교 및 한몽개발연구소

 Special Lecture (UB Talks for the Young)

1. Overview 

  • Purpose: 젊은이들의 미래 삶 방향잡기(Orienting) (Залуучуудын ирээдүйн амьдралын чиг хандлагыг тодорхойлох (Orienting))
  • Whom: 몽골에 상주하는 한국인/몽골인 청년  (Монголд оршин суудаг Солонгос/Монгол залуучууд)
  • How: Guest Speaker 특강 (Зочин илтгэгчид тусгай лекц тавих)

2. Previous Talks:

  • “Thinking Outside of Box” by Song, Haesu, UFE English Lecturer Sponored by Prinston in Asia (BA, International Relations, Johns Hopkins Univeristy) / Date: March 27 (Wed.), 2024 / Time: AM 09 / Place: UFE C-1107
  • “몽골 경제의 이해 / Монголын эдийн засгийн талаарх ” by Yoon, SeokHyun, Director of IMF Office in Mongolia / 윤석현 IMF 몽골 사무소 소장  ойлголт” / Date: June 10 (Sat.), 2023 / Time: AM 11 / Place: Meal Cafe Soho 

UB Book Talks

 1. Overview 

  • Purpose: 몽골의 발전과 관련된 책을 읽고 토론하는 모임 (Монгол Улсын хөгжил дэвшилтэй холбоотой ном зохиол унших)
  • Whom: 관심이 있는 누구나 (сонирхсон хүн бүр)
  • When: 월 1회 정도 (сард нэг удаа)
  • Language: 한국어/몽골어 ((Солонгос/ Монгол хэл дээр)
  • Contact: 이승은/ Seungeun Lee (8690 9876)

2. Previous Books that Read: 

  • 제레미 리프킨 (2017) [회복력 시대: 재야생화되는 지구에서 생존을 다시 상상하다/ The Age of Resillence: Reimaging Existence on a Rewilding Earth], 민음사 (안진환 옮김)
  • 현대몽골연구원 (2017) [당신이 알아야 할 몽골/Таны мэдэх ёстой Монгол], 스퍼블리
  • 백지운 외 (2021), [몽골의 체제전환과 평화지정학/ Монгол дахь системийн өөрчлөлт ба энх тайвны геополитик], 서울대학교출판문화원
  • 리처드 풀로리다 (안종히 옮김) (2018), [도시는 왜 불평등한가?/Яагаад хотууд тэгш бус байдаг вэ?], 매일경제신문사 (Original title: The New Urban Crisis: How Our Cities Are Increasing Inequality, Deepening Segregation, and Failing the Middle Class?and What We Can Do About It)
  • 김종래 (2016), [유목민 이야기: 유라시아 초원에서 디지털 제국까지/Евразийн тал нутгаас дижитал эзэнт гүрэн хүрсэн нь], 꿈엔들
  • 김태룡(2021), [몽골의 정부개혁/Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын шинэчлэл], 대영문화사 

Professional Eduation & Exchange Program

Korea Cultural Center (한국문화원) 위탁 운영 (Working)


    Korean MBA (Working)

    University Linkage Exchange (Working)