About Us

Mission & Strategy

한국과 몽골의 지속가능하고 상호주관적 발전을 위한 지식 창출,  이를 위해 한국의 발전경험을 공유 및 실행하는 지역 플랫폼

Солонгос Монгол хоёр орон хамтдаа хөгжин дэвшихэд шаардлагатай эрдэм мэдлэгийг бүтээх, түгээн дэлгэрүүлэх, хэрэгжүүлэх цахим талбар

Key Values (핵심가치)

People(사람/Хүн), Environment(환경/Орчин), Technology(기술/Технологи)에 대한

“알움 = 앎(Knowledge/Мэдлэг) + 움직임(Action/Үйлдэл)”

  • Local Collaborator : 한몽 연구 프로젝트 발굴 및 수행을 위한 몽골 현지 지역 협력가 (Хоёр улсын хамтарсан сургалт судалгааны төслийг санаачлах, хэрэгжүүлэх бүс нутгийн хамтрагч )
  • Knowledgee Hub : 한몽 전문 지식교류 및 창출의 허브 (Солонгос ба Монголын танилцуулгын хөлбөм)
  • Link and Cooperation : 다양한 유관 기관과의 연계와 협력 (Илүүдэх холбогдох болон хамтын ажиллагаа)
  • Research & Publication
    기초 연구, 조사 및 출판  (Энгийн судалгаа, шинжлэх, зөвлөх болон хэвлэл)
  • Professional Knowledge Sharing & Creation
    전문지식공유를 위한 세미나, 포럼, Guest Speakers, In-Depth Discussions 등 (Мэдлэг туршлага хуваалцах Солонгос Монголын Хөгжлийн форум, Guest Speaker, In-Depth Discussions гэх мэт) 
  • Professional Eduational & Exchange Program
    ODA 및 사회공헌과 연계하여 NGO, 공기업, 사기업, 학교, 지자체 등과 전문인 교육 및 교류 협력 프로그램 운영과 지원 (ODA болон нийгмийн хариуцлагатай уялдуулан, ТББ, төрийн байгууллага, хувийн хэвшил, сургууль, орон нутгийн засаг захиргааны байгууллагатай боловсрол, харилцан солилцооны хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлэх буюу дэмжин ажиллана)

Established in 1924, 100 years of service.

Proud of +40,000 alumni, 300 faculty and staff, and around 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students

Collaborating partnerships with 50 international universities and academic institutions from 17 countries around the world 

  • First institution nationally accredited by MNCEA (Mongolia National Council for Education Accreditation) in Mongolia
  • First institution internationally accredited by ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs) from USA
  • First institution reaffirmed by ACBSP in Mongolia
  • First institution internationally ranked by THE (Times Higher Education) in Mongolia
  • “Best Educational Institution” rating by Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia (among 167universities in Mongolia) 

for more information, visit to website: www.ufe.edu.mn


Kim, Young-Rae (김영래), Ph.d. in Urban & Regional Planning, Graduate School of Environmental Planning, Seoul National University, Seoul, S. Korea

  • Dean, Truman Graduate School of Public Administration, Mongolia International University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • Postdoc Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Research, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Visiting Fellow, Urban Studies/SPUR, MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Boston, USA
  • Researcher, Consortium on Development Studies (CODS), Seoul, S. Korea
  • Liaison officer, VIPP, Michigan State University, Seoul, S. Korea

Academic Research 

  • Park, C.S, Kim, YR & Yeon, Jihwan (2023). Stronger together: International tourists “spillover” into close countries, Tourism Economics, 29(5):1139-1163
  • Park, C.S, Kim, YR & Frye, W.D. (2022). Keeping the competition close: The impact of competitor distance in the lodging industry. International Journal of Tourism Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2510
  • Saha, ShrabaniYap, G.and Kim, YR. (2021) Moderation effects of political instability and tourism on economic growth. Tourism Analysis  https://doi.org/10.3727/108354221X16187814403092
  • Kim, Y.R., Yap, G., & Vertinsky, I. (2020). Can ‘too much’ trust slow tourism development? An exploratory cross-country analysis, Current Issues in Tourism. Published on-line, DOI:1080/13683500.2020.1754353
  • Kim, Y.R., Saha, S., Vertinsky, I., & Park, Chansoo (2018). The Impact of National Institutional Quality on International Tourism Inflows: A Cross-Country Evidence, Tourism Analysis, 23 (3): 533-551.
  • Kim, Y.R. & Scott, N. (2017). Network Dynamics of Tourism Development in South Korea. Current Issues in Tourism. Published on-line http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2017.1318837.
  • Kim, Y.R. & Vertinsky, I. (2017). Self-Organizing Governance of the Golden Eagle Festival. Managing Growth and Sustainable Tourism Governance in Asia and the Pacific. United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
  • Kim, Y.R., & Noh, S.C. (2017). Current Status of International Tourism Network among Countries on Silk and Spice Routes: With Implications for Central Asia, Joint ESCAS-CESS Conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, June 29-July 2, 2017


Standing Research Fellow

  • B.Badamgarav, Ph.d. Candidate in Development Cooperation, Ehwa Women’s University / UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development
  • D.Bolormaa, Ph.d. in MIS., University of Finance and Economics / Professor, University of Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar.
  • D.Munkhtsetseg, Ph.d. Candidate in Economics, University of Fianance and Economics / Senior Lecturer, University of Finance and Economics
  • D.Otgonbold, Ph.d. in Public Administration, Gangwon National University / Senior Lecturer, University of Finance and Economics, 
  • Jeong, Heungmo, Ph.d. in Politics, Free University, Berlin, Germany / Former Dean, Truman Graduate School of Public Administration, Mongolia International University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development
  • Steph Erka, Ph.d. Candidate in Urban Engineering, Chungbuk National University / UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development
  • Y.Khorloo, Ph.d. in Environmental Economics, Sunchon National University / Associate Professor, University of Finance and Economics

Adjunct Research Fellow 

  • An, Gyoon-Oh, Ph.d. in Public Administration (urban & real estate policy), Sejong University / Former Special Policy Assistant to Major, Seoul City, S. Korea

  • Park, Chansoo, Ph.d. in International Business, Sogan University / Associate Professor, School of Business, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Jones, Canada
  • Huh, Chang, Ph.d. in Tourism, Michigan State University / Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality, Niagara University, Buffalo, USA

Research Advisor

  • (Urban & Regional Planning) Ahn, Sangwook, Ph.d., in Urban Planning / Former Chairman, Suwon Sustainable City Foundation, Suwon City, S.Korea
  • (Tourism Development) Kim, Heung-Sik, Ph.d., in Economics, New South Wales, Australia / KDI Policy Advisor / Former Director, Center for Culture and Tourism, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Suwon City, S. Korea 
  • (International Relations) Hong, Jeong-Pyo, Ph.d., in Politics, Beijing University, Beijing China / Adjunct Research Fellow, Seoul National University Asia Center / Former, Professor, Miyazaki International University, Japan
  • (Domestic Cooperation) E. Khavartsetseg, Ph.d., Director, Asia-Pacific Cooperation, University of Finance and Economics
  • (Industrial Cooperation) Won, Young-Wook, General Manager, Hyundai Motor Group Haevichi Hotel & Resort / Former General Manager, Holiday Hotel In Ulaanbaatar
  • (Development Cooperation) Chung, Sungsoo, Associate Director, Institute of Global Health, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, USA 
  • (Legal Issues) Lee, Jaejun, Chief Lawyer for Legal Team, a SK Semiconductor Company & Former Senior Lawyer, Samsung Electronics

Location & Contact

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UFE, Building C Room # 1002, Peace Avenue, Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaartaar, Mongolia
P.O.Box-49, 13381


Tel: 976-9014-7265 (Kor. / Eng.)
Email: young-rae.k@ufe.edu.mn