Notice & Events

Seminar: Current Status and Formation of Ger District in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Space of Transformation and Differentation

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Date 2024-02-21 15:25
Views 671
Monthly Seminar

Current Status and Formation of Ger District in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: Space of Transformation and Differentation (몽골 울란바타르 게르지구의 형성과 현재적 상태: 변용과 차별의 공간)

Presenter: Young-Rae Kim, Professor & Director, Center for Korea and Mongolia Development, University of Finance and Economics

  • Taesoo Lim. Lawyer in Mongolia (Impact of Land Privatation in Mongolia)
  • Dr. Kyungsuk Jang,  Legislative Research Officer, the Legislative Research Office of the National Assembly (국회입법조사처 입법조사관 ):  (Panjachon (판자촌) Experience in Korea)
Date: 2024. 03.05 (tus.)

Time: PM 7 (Mon.) / 8 (Kor.)

Place: Google Meet

*participation inquiry: (참석을 희망하시는 분은 메일 주시면 감사하겠습니다).