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News: Presentation at the KNU SDGs Glo-cal Week 2023
2023-11-07 21:27
Presentation at the KNU SDGs Glo-cal Week 2023 (2023년 강원대학교 SDGs 글로컬 주간 발표)
- Topic: Desertification and Nomads in Mongolia: Building Education Ecology for Nomads (몽골 사막화와 유목민: 유목민을 위한 교육생태계 구축)
- Where: Student Session at the Kangwon National University SDGs Glocal Week
- When: 2023.11.21 (Tusday)
- Presenter: Baasankhuu BOLORCHIMEG / Senior, Business Management / University of Finance and Economics (Selected and Advised by the UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development)
- Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, India
- University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia
- Souphanouvong University, Laos
- Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam
- Korean Universities from Kangwon Province