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Research Grant from Seoul National University ASIA CENTER

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Date 2023-06-14 16:58
Views 561
Receiving  Research Grant

Research Topic : 유목민을 위한 도시의 계획과 관리: 몽골 사막화 방지 및 지속가능한 삶의 터전에 관한 모형개발, 그리고 실천 과제 (The Spatial Planning and Management for Nomads: For the Development of Model for Anti-Desertification and Sustainable Livelihood, and Practices in Mongolia)

Period: 2023.6-2024.5 (1년/1 Year)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kim, Young-Rae, Dirctor of the Center for Korea and Mongolia Development

Fund Account: 임길진 글로벌 펠로우쉽 (Lim, Gill-Chin Global Fellowship)

Organization: 서울대학교 아시아연구소 (Seoul National University ASIA CENTER)