Notice & Events

Notice: Apply for the Student Presentation at the KNU Glo-cal SDGs Week 2023 (2023년 강원대학교 글로컬 SDGs 주간)

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Date 2023-09-06 12:03
Views 439
Apply for a UFE Representative Student who Can Participate in the Student Presentation Session at the "KNU Glo-cal SDGs Week 2023"

We are looking for a UFE representative student who wants to present a case on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in Mongolia at the student presentation session in the  "KNU Glo-cal SDGs Week 2023" which will be held at Kangwon National University, S. Korea on November 21, 2023. It should be noted that we are honorably invited to the student presentation among one of 4 international universities in Asia (University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia,  Souphanouvong University, Laos, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, India). The application guideline is as follows;

❍ Whom: UFE undergradute students

❍ No. of students: 1 student

❍ Topic: any related to SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Cases in Mongolia

❍ Benefit: Round airfee, food and accomodation (all covered by KNU)

❍ Language : English (Abstract and Presentation)

❍ Selection Criteria: English proficiency (50%), Idea and Contents (50%)

❍ Selection Process (Tentative)

- Submission of 2 pages abstract on the case (Deadline by 2023. 09.30)

- Selection of  3 candidates (by 2023. 10.3)

- Oral Presentation (by 2023. 10.5)

- Selection of 1 candidate (2023. 10.7)

* A selected student is required to prepare the presentation for one month under the supervison of the Center . 

❍ Submission to (Professor Young-Rae Kim, Ph.d., Director, the UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development)

❍ Question: Sara (8802 4641), Graduate School / UFE, Building C Room # 1003

❍ For the details of the "KNU Glo-cal SDGs Week 2023", please find attached

UFE Center for Korea and Mongolia Development (